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In the name of the Just God,


On the 10th of Asad 1378 in the Solar Hijri calendar, the criminal group, the Taliban, committed severe atrocities in Northern Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of thousands and the destruction of homes and livelihoods.

Massacres, imprisonment, the abduction of women, burning of vineyards, cutting down trees, demolishing residential homes and public facilities, and implementing a scorched earth policy were among the heinous acts committed by this group in the north, which history will never forget.

The Supreme National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, while strongly denouncing this historical atrocity and condemning the perpetrators who have once again, through the conspiracy of some world countries and internal elements, come to dominate the fate of our country and its people, insists that the nature of the group that committed war crimes in the north, Balkh, Yakawlang, and other areas 25 years ago, and today still holds the fate of Afghanistan and its people hostage, has not changed. On the contrary, they are now using other methods to oppress, kill, torture, and imprison people and have turned Afghanistan into a safe haven for promoting and exporting terrorism.

In our world, those with a conscience following these events do not expect the 21st-century world to engage with those who carry the stigma of such crimes.

While condemning the perpetrators of the war crimes of the 10th of Asad 1378 Solar Hijri, commemorating the memory of the victims, and appreciating the sacrifice, heroism, and bravery of the people of Greater North, we request that the international community recognize the crimes of the Taliban group as war crimes and assist in the restoration of democracy in Afghanistan by cutting off financial and political support to this group, allowing the Afghan people to determine their own destiny.

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