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The Taliban group has recently announced that Richard Bennett, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, does not have the right to enter Afghanistan.


The Supreme National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, while condemning this decision by the Taliban, considers the ban on Richard Bennett’s entry into Afghanistan as a clear attempt by the Taliban to conceal widespread human rights violations within the territory under their oppressive control. The Taliban, through this action, are attempting to cover up their extensive crimes in all areas and prevent the voice of the oppressed people of Afghanistan from reaching the world. This action clearly shows that the Taliban have engaged in activities that Mr. Bennett’s exposure of, in part, has illuminated and provoked their anger.


Mr. Bennett, as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, in a series of documented reports, reflected the Taliban’s crimes against the people of Afghanistan and the widespread violations of human rights by this group. This exposure not only revealed their hidden crimes but also called into question the world’s naïve engagement with this group that violates human rights.


The Supreme National Resistance Council, while expressing gratitude for Mr. Richard Bennett’s efforts and praising his commitment to upholding human rights and exposing its violators, once again draws the international community’s attention to their naïve engagement with the Taliban. This engagement has emboldened them and strengthened terrorist groups, further endangering regional and global security. At the same time, the international community and the United Nations are requested to facilitate Mr. Bennett’s visits to Afghanistan to document the Taliban’s crimes by putting pressure on the Taliban.

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