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Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the martyrdom of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the national hero of the country, and the beginning of Martyrs’ Week. The Supreme Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan extends its condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the national hero and Martyrs’ Week, and honors the memory of the martyrs.


Sacrifice and dedication to national and people’s goals are part of the commitment of free and proud individuals who stand firm and give their lives for their realization. The history of Afghanistan is full of sacrifice, heroism, and brilliant achievements that speak of dignity and courage.


The people of Afghanistan, throughout the years of jihad, resistance, and also the era of democracy, made many sacrifices, among whom Ahmad Shah Massoud, as the national hero of the country, is recognized as a symbol of perseverance and steadfastness. In the most difficult days, when Afghanistan was under the pressure of an imposed war, alongside other resistance fighters and under the leadership of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, he bravely defended the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. He gave his life for this cause and became immortal.


Ahmad Shah Massoud believed that Afghanistan is a shared home for all its inhabitants, and its citizens can live a prosperous and stable life with equal rights within a democratic system. He believed in elections as a fundamental principle and had deep respect for democracy.


Ahmad Shah Massoud, by creating a narrative of resistance against all forms of tyranny and oppression, envisioned the realization of social justice. He saw justice as the foundation for establishing equality and mutual acceptance. He believed that Afghanistan’s historical oppression stemmed from injustice and superiority-seeking, and that liberation from it required a purposeful, justice-driven struggle. For this reason, he was able to shape the centrality of this struggle during the resistance.


Standing against extremism and terrorism was a fundamental pillar of Ahmad Shah Massoud’s struggle, as well as that of other figures who were martyred in this cause. Undoubtedly, the role of each of these individuals who sacrificed for the national and people’s goals and ideals is deserving of appreciation and praise, and all of them are worthy of gratitude and commemoration.


The Supreme Council of National Resistance pays tribute to the lasting legacies of the Martyr of Peace, Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, the National Hero, Martyr Ahmad Shah Massoud, the Martyr of National Unity, Ustad Abdul Ali Mazari, the hero of freedom Martyr General Abdul Raziq, Martyr Ahmad Khan Samangani, Martyr Ustad Abdul Qadir Zabihullah, Martyr Matlub Baig, Martyr Engineer Mohammad Omar, Martyr Ustad Abdul Saboor Fareed, Martyr General Mohammad Daud Daud, Martyr Haji Abdul Qadir, Martyr Piram Qul Ziaee, Martyr Sayyed Mustafa Kazemi, Martyr Maulana Abdul Rahman Sayd Khili, Martyr Khan Mohammad Mujahid, Martyr Alaudin Khan, and all the martyrs of jihad, resistance, the era of democracy, and the martyrs of the past three years, and honors their memory.


This council, committed to the ideals of the martyrs and continuing their path, considers fighting against the prevailing situation in Afghanistan and freeing the country and its people from the current crises as its main duty.


We believe that Afghanistan has fallen under the oppressive control of a criminal group with terrorist ideology. Alongside the dismantling of the system, governance has ceased, and women have been deprived of all their fundamental rights and subjected to what is a clear example of gender apartheid. In the current oppressive situation in Afghanistan, all human rights standards have been trampled upon, and the citizens of the country have been subjected to oppression, injustice, and various kinds of cruelty. Sadly, in this situation, many countries in the world, which claim the protection of democracy and human rights as their primary commitments, have engaged in naive interactions with such a group, giving terrorists the audacity to act and making efforts to dismantle democratic systems.


The Supreme Council of National Resistance believes that the continuation of Afghanistan’s crisis will lead to an expanded crisis in the region, as well as the growth, promotion, and export of terrorism, putting global security at greater risk. Once again, while honoring the memory of the martyrs, we wish to continue their path.

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