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The second meeting of the special representatives of the countries involved in Afghanistan affairs was hosted by the United Nations on the 18th and 19th of February 2024 in Doha, Qatar.

We, Afghanistan’s political currents and women”s protest movements of Afghanistan’s women, while appreciating the excellent efforts of Mr. Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the special representatives participating in the Doha meeting, who have focused attention on the situation in Afghanistan, hereby, we express our positions on the outcome of the announce the second meeting of that organization in Qatar as follows:

1: This meeting was held on the basis of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2721 in order to find a solution for the Afghanistan crisis with a special focus on the issue of curbing terrorism and the interaction of the Taliban with the world. In the aforementioned resolution, human rights issues, absolute and relative poverty, gender and ethnic apartheid, forced migration, and the hostage-taking of the fate of the Afghanistan’s people by a group opposed to all human values and human rights were considered as marginal issues. The Doha meeting also proceeded mainly on the same basis, and there was no outcome in which the roots of the crisis in Afghanistan were addressed.

We remind the Secretary General and the special representatives participating in the Doha meeting that the main issue of Afghanistan is the return of the right to self-determination and the human rights of the people of Afghanistan that have been usurped from the clutches of terrorism. As long as this issue is not in the spotlight, any attempt to restore the status quo is nothing but a waste of time, causing more damage to the Afghanistan’s people, more costs for the international community, and erasing the issue instead of solving it.

The United Nations should note that solving Afghanistan’s crisis depends on constructive interaction with all parties involved in Afghanistan’s affairs, creating an inclusive process with the presence of all sides of the conflict and effective political currents in this process. Unilateral interaction, without the presence of effective political parties and currents, can never help the success of Afghanistan’s political process to overcome the crisis.

Second: As it is clear, the desire of a number of parties involved in the issue of Afghanistan is to restore the existing situation at the lowest cost and ignoring the hidden and semi-hidden dimensions of the human disaster in the country, bearing in mind the fact that the Taliban dominate Kabul. But this is the most optimistic thing imaginable. The illegitimate domination of an illegitimate extremist group cannot ignore and remove numerous other facts about the civil, political, social and cultural rights of Afghanistan’s citizens and ethnic groups. Before it belongs to a group, Afghanistan belongs to the people and ethnic groups of Afghanistan. Considering the ethnic and cultural diversity of Afghanistan, the plan to solve Afghanistan’s crisis requires an inclusive mechanism that reflects the legitimate demands of all parties and citizens of the country, taking into account the principle of social justice and citizenship rights. For this reason, we consider the biggest shortcoming of the second Doha meeting to be the absence of representatives of political institutions and the oppressed people of the country.

Third: While we support the decision of the United Nations Security Council to appoint a special representative for Afghanistan affairs, we believe that the success of the representative in solving the crisis depends on consultation and consultation with all influential political parties and the civil society of Afghanistan, ensuring The special representative’s nobility and awareness of the root of existing problems, realities and sensitivities, especially the ethnic, religious and gender diversity in Afghanistan and the special representative’s belief in the principle of democracy and human rights, and we emphasize it. In addition, the appointment of a special representative should be done with the aim of creating a citizen-centered political order based on the free will of Afghanistan’s people, and should preferably be chosen from among the citizens of countries that, in addition to familiarity with Afghanistan, believe in the principle of neutrality during the mission and act independently in the implementation of affairs. .

Fourth: The one-sided emphasis on the role of the Taliban in solving Afghanistan’s crisis, including the appointment of a representative and the formation of a government, causes the political process to face an impasse, and the scope of other legitimate actions and solutions that go beyond the political process is expanding day by day. . We hope that the countries of the region and the world, and the United Nations at the head, will choose a path that includes all the interested political parties and the civil society of Afghanistan, and the solution to the current crisis will come from the path of the comprehensive national process that will lead to the change of the situation and the formation of a legal inclusive government and it should be done by the will of the people.

Fifth: In the last two and a half years and at the last meeting of the United Nations, the Taliban group showed that they are not interested in interacting with the basic principles governing the modern world, nor do they have any human rights for the people of Afghanistan. The abrogation of laws and the rule of arbitrary anarchism, despite the suppression of free media, have brought calamities to the people of Afghanistan that cannot be found anywhere else. Based on any one-sided concessions to them, in addition to the fact that it is considered to be a rejection of the fundamental principles of the United Nations, it will cause the Taliban to continue their anti-human rights approaches, repression, elimination of women and gender apartheid practices, along with strengthening the terrorist groups supported by them and disguised as Afghanistan is the center of terrorism export.

The names of the parallel streams according to the alphabet:

Afghanistan Liberation Front

A number of Afghanistan women’s protest movements

Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan

Afghanistan People’s Empathy Party

National Temperance Council

The National Resistance Council includes parties and currents:

– The Islamic Party of Afghanistan

– Jamiat Islamic Party of Afghanistan

– National Islamic Movement Party of Afghanistan

– Islamic Da’wa Party of Afghanistan

– The Islamic Unity Party of the People of Afghanistan

– Justice and Freedom Party of Afghanistan

– National Resistance Front of Afghanistan

– East Great Council

– Kandahar Great Council

– Northern Great Council

– The process of protecting the values of jihad and resistance of Afghanistan’s people

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