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In the name of God, the Judge and the Mighty

The Taliban, this terrorist group that is not satisfied with any other approach than bloodshed, in the last case resorted to the brutal killing of a number of freedom fighters who were fighting against this group in Badakhshan province and to get rid of the current miserable situation.

The act of mass killing is not the first incident that the Taliban have attempted, before that, in other provinces of the country, genocide, targeted killings and forced displacement are part of the crimes committed by the Taliban.

Richard Bennett, the special rapporteur of the United Nations, recently revealed in a report about the genocide by the Taliban and the shootings of the former security forces and ordinary people, but no effect was observed on the world’s unconventional relations with the Taliban, as if the world was not aware of the crimes that took place in Afghanistan.

We expect international institutions and organizations and countries to review the scope of their relations with this terrorist group by investigating and understanding the depth of the crimes and limitless cruelty of this group.

Resistance against the Taliban, considering their nature, who are not committed to any principle in the war and cannot tolerate the slightest resistance, voice of opposition and right-seeking, requires planning, rationality and compliance with military principles.

The National Council of Resistance to Save Afghanistan strongly condemns the occurrence of this bloody event in Badakhshan province, wishes the martyrs to heaven, their families and the proud and epic people of Badakhshan, patience and patience.

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