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Following the conflict that took place in Baghlan province between the resistance forces and the Taliban, some fighters against the Taliban have been arrested and according to sources, they have been transferred to Kunduz province.

There are reports that one of the prisoners was shot on the way and there is no news about the fate of the rest of them.

While all religious rules and articles of human rights conventions emphasize the observance of the rights of individuals, especially prisoners of war, the Taliban, in addition to committing other war crimes, not only treat prisoners inhumanely, but also kill them.

The National Resistance Council for the Rescue of Afghanistan, while strongly condemning any inhuman treatment against Islamic morals and human rights with the prisoners, asks the United Nations and the Human Rights Council of that organization to oblige the Taliban to save the lives of the said prisoners. In line with applying pressure and sanctioning the Taliban as a criminal group and perpetrator of war crimes, they should include more sanctions and support an alternative plan for the return of democracy and the restoration of the legitimate popular system.

At the same time, the National Resistance Council considers itself a partner in the concerns of the families of the prisoners, and does not hesitate to make any efforts to plead for them.

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