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In the name of God, the All-Knowing and All-Powerful

Taliban, this petrified group and anti-national and patriotic values, after illegitimate domination over Afghanistan, have resorted to actions that have hurt the spirit of peaceful coexistence of Afghan peoples.

The repeated destruction of the tomb of the country’s national hero, Martyred Ahmad Shah Massoud, shows that the Taliban are still afraid of the glorious name of Massoud, who has tasted the bitter taste of defeat to the Taliban many times.

These clumsy actions show the brutality of this mercenary and alien group and do not harm the position of the country’s national hero, which makes him more popular than before. Masoud, the brilliant commander of the Great War for the Independence, has left behind a brilliant record of bravery in the role of a countryman of stability and standing, which history is proud of and finds glory in.

The Taliban’s approach and actions in the past one year have shown how much they seek to destroy the unity and empathy of the people, promote and fatten ethnic, local and religious hatred, clash with popular values and symbols, and create division.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan while all the actions taken by the Taliban and their sympathizers regarding the desecration and destruction of the tomb of the national hero, confronting the Persian language as the language of civilization and the language of understanding and understanding of the people of Afghanistan, insulting the historical pride and identity of the people Afghanistan condemns the destruction of the statue of national unity martyr Ustad Abdul Ali Mazari, the painting of paintings and images of Shah Ismail Samani and peace martyr Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, the change of Persian language panels and many other cases, and emphasizes on strengthening the unity and empathy of the Afghan people.

The National Resistance Council considers the actions of the Taliban against the spirit of national unity and insulting as their mercenary nature, and emphasizes on stopping these actions as soon as possible.

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