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اخراج پناه جویان از پاکستان

In the name of Almighty Allah the Judge and creator of Justice

The government of Pakistan has decided to deport Afghan refugees living in Pakistan unjustly and against all human rights standards and conventions.

This decision is taken while more than two million Afghan citizens have been forced to migrate to the neighboring country of Pakistan since the beginning of the Holy Jihad, as well as after the collapse of Afghanistan and the re-establishment of the Taliban.

Although the people of Afghanistan appreciate the people and the government of Pakistan for hosting Afghan refugees living in that country for years, but based on international law and provisions of international conventions, asylum is part of the rights of citizens of the world and no country has the right to use it as a tactic and political pressure.

The provisions of the 1951 Geneva Convention on the rights of refugees and the obligations of the host countries are completely clear, and the member states of the United Nations are obliged to comply with its provisions.

While the National Resistance Council considers this decision of the government of Pakistan, which is called as one of the factors to prevent the spread of insecurity in Pakistan, unjustified, contrary to good neighborly relations and contrary to the provisions of international conventions, especially the rights of refugees, it asks the government of Pakistan to understand the current situation. In our country, give up the return of Afghan citizen refugees, many of whom are in danger, and on the contrary, instead of putting pressure on the homeless migrants, put pressure on the Taliban group, which is the cause of border clashes and the strengthening of terrorist groups, including the Pakistani Taliban.

At the same time, we request the United Nations and the High Commissioner for Refugees to stop this action of the Pakistani government and not allow the lives of more than two million migrants to be at risk of more poverty and unemployment.

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