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اعلامیۀ شورای مقاومت ملی برای نجات افغانستان به استقبال از مواضع اخیر کمیته‌ی روابط خارجی مجلس نمایندگان ایالات متحده امریکا در قبال بحران افغانستان

The Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Congress, with the efforts of Mr. McCall, the chairman of that committee, has taken important measures to identify the main factors of the current crisis in Afghanistan, which is unprecedented after the fall of the previous regime in Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban group to power.

Talking with the largest anti-Taliban political-military organization and focusing on the role and influence of this organization in the political and military process of Afghanistan, calling the interaction with the Taliban group ineffective and ending their domination, looking again at the policies of the United States towards Afghanistan, questioning the Doha agreement  , based on which Afghanistan was surrendered to the Taliban, highlighting and introducing some elements that played a central role in this agreement, expressing the nature of the Taliban as a terrorist group in Mr. McCall’s words and reconsidering the disastrous withdrawal of the United States of America from Afghanistan, are part of  It is one of the key issues that have been raised in the recent positions of the US House of Representatives and Mr. McCall himself.

While appreciating the efforts of Mr. McCall, the National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan welcomes his positions and considers it to be due to his deep knowledge of the current situation in Afghanistan.

The leaders of the National Resistance Council have repeatedly commented on the above-mentioned issues in the past three years and have warned the world against unilateral interaction and away from the eyes of the Afghanistan’s people with a group that does not adhere to any human values.  Now we are happy that the world is gradually becoming aware of the right positions of the Afghan people and as time passes, the nature of the dominant group is better and more known.

Therefore, in order to save Afghanistan, the National Resistance Council asks all the countries of the world, especially the countries involved in the Afghanistan issue, to reconsider their interactionist policies with the ruling group.  Because any interaction with this group makes its leaders more determined and bold in their oppressive and monopolistic policies.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan once again emphasizes that any plan and solution without considering the interests and will of the Afghanistan’s people will be sterile and will not reach anywhere.  Therefore, the only solution to the current crisis is to create a government based on the will of the people through free and fair national and local elections, respecting human values ​​and legal rules, and freeing Afghanistan’s people from the current suffocation.

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