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روز جهانی حقوق بشر

In the name of God the creator of justice and the Judge

Human dignity is a component that heavenly religions, especially the holy religion of Islam, have emphasized on its protection.

In the contemporary world order, which is also considered as the age of human rights, the component of human rights and the need to respect them constitutes the central concept of the international order.

In the age of rights and the indivisibility of human axioms, the component of human rights and the need to protect them is considered the responsibility of the international community and interprets the existential philosophy of the international order.

Despite all this, unfortunately, humanity is celebrating the International Human Rights Day while a nation is practically deprived of all its fundamental rights as a result of a political deal and the signing of a shameful agreement to meet the geopolitical goals of global actors in front of the astonished eyes of the institutions in charge of human rights. It has been imposed on a cruel and evil group whose proxies and terrorist activities is not hidden from anyone and is not committed to any moral, legal and religious principles.

The international community is celebrating the International Human Rights Day while our country is occupied by a terrorist group and the people of Afghanistan are deprived of their fundamental rights based on the right to vital immunity, the right to self-determination, the right to freedom of expression, the right to education and work, and the right to determine their political destiny. They have been deprived of their desired political system by the Taliban with an ignorant interpretation of the concepts of culture and religion.

The reports of the special rapporteur for human rights in Afghanistan, Mr. Richard Benet, are the catastrophic situation of human rights in the country.

Celebrating the International Human Rights Day, while parts of the world, including our country, are suffering due to acts of oppression and human rights violations, and people are unable to support their human existence, is a question that bothers the collective conscience of humanity.

The people of Afghanistan have been facing a catastrophic violation of their constitutional rights for more than two years, but unfortunately, the official tribunals of the United Nations, under the dictates of certain actors in the international community, still promote the policy of integrating the Taliban into the international community and expecting the Taliban to implement Afghanistan’s international obligations. It seems that extra-legal political murders, torture and purge of opponents, implementation of gender, ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural apartheid policies, acts of violence against the society, forced demographic engineering of the country’s population and removal of half of the society from education and work and that the prevailing unfortunate conditions on the country, it has practically paralyzed the Afghan society and made it vulnerable to destruction or becoming a source of recruitment for terrorism, there is no place for them among the Arabs.

While honoring the International Human Rights Day, the National Resistance Council states that punitive measures limited to certain individuals in the Taliban group are not the solution to the problems of the Afghan people, and overcoming the human rights crisis in the country requires a fundamental change in the international community’s approach to Afghanistan. , cutting off the financing of the Taliban and implementing the resolutions approved by the United Nations Security Council is linked to the fight against terrorism.

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