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هتک حرمت به قرآنکریم

In the name of Almighty Allah

The desecration and burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden has become a source of regret and influence for the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan.

While condemning the desecration of the Holy Quran, the last heavenly holy book, this council considers such acts as a violation of the values and beliefs of about two billion Muslims and considers the continuation of such heinous acts to be the cause of the alienation of the followers of religions in human societies and the growth of extremist approaches.

It is clear that from the point of view of this council, any kind of extremism that includes desecration of sacred things, imposing one’s opinions or beliefs on others, distorting facts, not accepting different points of view, ignoring the rights and basic needs of others, and creating an atmosphere of misunderstanding and conflict is rejected. We consider such approaches dangerous and disastrous for human societies and we emphasize that freedom of expression and opinion should not be used as a tool and the sacredness of others should not be insulted.

The National Resistance Council considers the best approach to be a balanced approach in which there is understanding and respect for others and their opinions. On the other hand, respecting the beliefs of others and creating a mutual spiritual atmosphere, respect and understanding for the values and sacredness of others is considered one of the important foundations of democracy.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan asks the United Nations and the Swedish government to take serious and practical action and investigate the case of the perpetrator of this heinous act, keeping in mind the laws of major crimes, in order to prevent the repetition of such seditious acts.

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