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نشست سازمان ملل در قطر

In the name of the great and mighty God

On May 1, a two-day meeting of the United Nations was held with the presence of representatives of some countries in the region and the world, focusing on the issue of Afghanistan.

In this meeting, based on the demand of the National Resistance Council for the salvation of Afghanistan and widespread public litigation, positive decisions were made, which included removing the Taliban recognition issue from the agenda of this meeting. Afghanistan being the center of attention of the United Nations and the countries of the world indicates the new approach of the United Nations and the international community towards the unfortunate situation of our country.

We believe that the issue of Afghanistan is a political issue, and minor issues such as economic problems are part of the political issue, not its entirety. Minimizing the Afghan crisis to limited cases does not solve the existing problems, which causes the Afghan crisis to be prolonged.

Interaction with the Taliban in the future and the next meeting of the United Nations, the agenda of which has not yet been determined, has caused deep concern for the Afghan people and the political currents opposed to the Taliban. It is clear that any interaction that causes the Taliban to remain in power will deepen the disaster and humanitarian crisis, human rights, poverty, ethnic and political cleansing, selective assassinations and many other misfortunes, and most importantly, the survival of the Taliban will strengthen, grow and export Terrorism will spread to countries in the region and the world. If the increasing presence of terrorist groups inside the territory of Afghanistan is proof of the fact that sooner or later the world community will be subjected to terrorist attacks using the rule of the Taliban from inside the territory of Afghanistan.

The National Resistance Council requests that instead of interacting with the Taliban, the United Nations and related countries by canceling the failed Doha agreement, the process of peace talks with the participation of all political parties and prominent and effective forces, taking into account ethnic, linguistic and religious ties, with a transitional mechanism for A certain period of time should be taken for the purpose of returning sovereignty to the people of Afghanistan, in which the people’s votes, human rights and women’s rights are accepted.

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