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In the name of Almighty Allah, the creator of freedom and justice

Two years ago, on this day, the political system of Afghanistan collapsed and the country was handed over to the Taliban group, and another sad break occurred in the country’s contemporary history. The interruption that vanished all the achievements of twenty years and the result of the long struggles of the Afghan people and unfortunately we were once again at the zero point. Therefore, the 15th of August, for the people of Afghanistan, is a reminder of utter destruction and darkness, and it should be remembered as a black day in the history of the country and condolences to the people of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was handed over to the Taliban in a pre-arranged collusion. The unwavering support of the international community to the Taliban group and the international conspiracy and ethnic thinking within the system and the problems caused by this disease went hand in hand so that all the aspirations and ideals of the Afghan people were buried in the ground and millions of people once again went to the land of sojourn and migration. became Although as time goes by, the invalidity of the Taliban’s thinking and the illegitimacy of the apparently religious claims of this group become more and more clear, but the regret is that the demands of the Afghan people’s rights were trampled and the blood of tens of thousands of our compatriots, especially our security forces, who were killed by the Taliban during the past two decades, was dropped on the ground and was ignored.

The black history of the first period of Taliban rule, as well as the crimes committed against the people of Afghanistan during the past twenty years, will never be erased from the minds and consciences of our people and can never be forgotten. Bloody wars against the country’s security forces and terrorist and suicide attacks against innocent people during the past twenty years not only killed tens of thousands of people, but also caused the destruction of all economic and development infrastructures and ultimately, the destruction of the country’s political and legal system. The Taliban group took this heavy price from the people of Afghanistan while it deceived the world with false promises of change in its nature and performance.

Now that two years have passed since this group dominated Afghanistan, not only has there been no change in their performance, but they have fought much more violently and tyrannically than in the past. Imposing absolute restrictions on women and depriving them of the right to education, the right to work, the right to participate in social and political affairs, the right to basic freedoms, the targeted killing of former government forces, the burying of the country’s constitution and the legal system, and the mockery of the judicial military, the usurpation of people’s assets. Under various pretexts, ethnic movements and foreign armed forces to threaten the indigenous people and the main residents of the northern and northeastern provinces of the country, clearing the offices of specialized forces, imposing illegal and heavy taxes on the poor and unemployed people, establishing a single-gender, mono-ethnic administrative structure. And one-party system is only a part of the Taliban’s achievements in the last two years. If the dominance of this group continues, we will witness many disasters in Afghanistan, the region and the world.

The Taliban is essentially a terrorist group that, by establishing its illegitimate domination and the name of its Emirati institution, has provided a suitable platform for the growth of other terrorist groups. Now, people belonging to other terrorist groups are busy with tasks in key positions within the Taliban institutions, and at the same time they are busy plotting to spread terrorist attacks at the global and regional level.

The National Council of Resistance to Save Afghanistan reminds all the countries of the region and the world, that have so far interacted with the support of the Taliban group that this process will not only lead to the destruction of the Afghan people, but will also harm them. Therefore, it is not too late to support the rightful demands of the Afghan people and help establish a legitimate, just system based on the will of the Afghan people.

From the point of view of the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, the Doha agreement between the United States and the Taliban group has been the main cause for the current miserable situation. Therefore, this agreement with all its harmful consequences has joined history and should not be the focus of future political equations. If different political factions, civil organizations, women’s support organizations and other real representatives of the Afghan people are not present in the future equations, the Afghan crisis will continue and this country will continue to be a safe haven for international terrorism and a suitable platform for the growth of extremism. The one-sided talks that take place these days openly and secretly with the Taliban group can never benefit the people of Afghanistan and guarantee political stability in Afghanistan. Therefore, we consider any unilateral interaction with the Taliban group to be condemnable and against the will of the Afghan people, and we ask the countries of the world not to ignore the rightful demands of the Afghan people and to respect them.

The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan as the largest political umbrella against the Taliban, which has ethnic, political, linguistic and cultural diversity, while honoring the memory of the country’s martyrs, especially those who lost their lives in the last two years in the fight against the Taliban. With appreciation and praise for the purposeful, courageous and persistent struggles of the brave women of the country inside and outside the country, and also grateful for the launching of protest rallies and marches that raised their voices against the dominant situation in the country and opposition to the Taliban group, from all groups And the political factions as well as all the civil institutions of the country, to form a united front to fight against the oppression and violence that is going on in the country, do not spare any efforts and take the necessary measures to liberate the country.

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