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نشست سازمان ملل در قطر

The currents whose names are listed below in this declaration, fix their positions in connection with the second meeting of the United Nations on Afghanistan, which is scheduled to be held on February 18 and 19, 2024 in Qatar:


1st: Appreciating the efforts of the United Nations, the issuance of Security Council Resolution 2721, based on which a special representative for Afghanistan affairs is appointed, and placing Afghanistan in the focus of that organization’s attention, we believe that Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, was handed over the  to the Taliban group based on an internal and international conspiracy, , as a result of which the political system fell apart, the government was suspended, and the Taliban group dominated Afghanistan in a repressive and illegal manner. According to UN reports, which define the situation in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban group in the most critical situation possible; depriving people of basic rights, war crimes, kidnapping, torture and killing of women and former government officials, gender apartheid, genocide, forced migration and usurpation of the properties of natives of different regions of Afghanistan and anti-culture, along with supporting more than twenty-two terrorist group is a part of the behavior against the human rights standards of this group, by inviting them in all international meetings, including the United Nations meeting in Qatar, not only Afghanistan is not represented, but gives the Taliban, the courage to continue their violent behavior more than before;


Second: While the right of people to determine their own destiny by people’s votes is one of the stable principles of the United Nations. By resorting to violence and coercion, the Taliban group has usurped political sovereignty in Afghanistan, responded to any criticism of this group with repression, and has violated the accepted demands of the international community and international principles. While we are opposed to such behaviors of the Taliban group and their mindset nature from the foundation, we believe that the right to defend the motherland, both in civil and field campaigns, is legitimate and protected,  at the same time, we prioritize that the crisis of the country through the dialogue, should be resolved and based on the above mentioned principals and we ask the Secretary General of the United Nations and other regional actors whose members are supposed to participate in the consultative meeting of this organization on Afghanistan, by creating the groundwork for the presence of all interested political parties of Afghanistan in the upcoming meeting of that organization. The opportunity should be provided that through the comprehensive national process, the current changing situation and the foundation for the formation of a legal government arising from the will of the Afghan people will be provided in order to put an end to the ongoing crises in our country;


Third: We consider the legitimate political, security and economic interaction of regional and world countries with Afghanistan as a requirement for regional and global peace and security. Therefore, with regard to popular and international legitimacy, we emphasize that the condition of the success of this meeting is to consider the people’s wishes, the cooperation of effective political currents and interested parties, and to avoid any kind of political-diplomatic interaction with the Taliban group in the absence of the Afghanistan’s people. . We are still committed to fully cooperate with the United Nations Special Envoy with the mission of helping to change the situation by using an inclusive national process, the results of which will lead to a change in the situation;


Fourth: Considering the increasing absolute poverty in Afghanistan, the continuation of humanitarian cooperation to the people of Afghanistan is a vital matter. However, humanitarian cooperation for poor people and economic cooperation with the Taliban are two separate things. By abusing mines and natural resources, extorting poor people under the name of taxes, and exploiting the sale and trafficking of drugs, the Taliban have brought the criminal economy into its new phase. In such a situation, any kind of cooperation with the Taliban group has no benefit to the Afghanistan’s people and on the contrary, it will strengthen this group in the path of deviating from human principles. It should be noted that the possibility of the Taliban group accessing the trust fund of the Afghan people is a cause of deep concern for the Afghanistan’s people. The attention of the United Nations and other aid agencies to carefully separate humanitarian cooperation for the Afghanistan’s people, from helping the Taliban is a necessary and legitimate demand of the Afghanistan’s people.


Names of political entities are in the alphabetical order

Afghanistan Freedom Front

Afghanistan’s Women Protestor Movements

The People of Afghanistan’s Empathy Party


National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan that comprised the following political entities;

Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan

Hizb-e Islami Afghanistan

Jamiat-e Islami Afghanistan

National İslamic Movement of Afghanistan

Dawat-e Islami Afghanistan

People’s Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan

Justice and Freedom Party of Afghanistan

National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan:

Council of the Loya (greater) Eastern Region

Council of the Loya (greater) Qandahar Region

Council of the Loya (greater) Northern (Shamali) Region

The Process to Protect the values of Jihad and Resistance

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