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سازمان ملل متحد

His Excellency the Secretary General and respected members of the United Nations Security Council!

With best regards and best wishes;

The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan appreciated the efforts of that organization and the Security Council to pay attention to the issues of Afghanistan, especially the issuance of the Security Council resolution condemning the Taliban’s ban on women’s education and work, and emphasized on increasing the role of the United Nations to solve the problem of our country. It is hoped that in the meeting of the Security Council, which is held for the purpose of assessing the crisis in Afghanistan, that organization will take effective and appropriate measures to solve the crisis, restore the rule of law, return to democracy and base the collective will of the people in forming their desired political system.

The Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan draws the attention of the honorable council to the following points:

  1. The National Resistance Council appreciates the fact that the United Nations and the countries of the world have not recognized the illegitimate domination of the Taliban, and requests that the recognition of the Taliban should also be avoided;
  2. The Taliban has a direct relationship with more than twenty-two regional and global terrorist groups and violates national sovereignty and territorial integrity and harms the national interests of the Afghan people and is in clear conflict with international laws and threatens the peace and security of the region and the world. It is hosted in the territory of Afghanistan. Besides that, the movement of TTP terrorist forces in the northern and northeastern provinces of Afghanistan with the aim of changing the demographics of the northern and northeastern provinces of our country and threatening the geopolitics of Central Asia is a potential action against the security of the region and the world. From the point of view of this council, any interaction with this group is considered to strengthen terrorism and terror, and its disastrous consequences are aimed at those who want to interact with a terrorist group by justifying the bloody achievements of the Taliban;
  3. Expecting change from the Taliban is unreasonable. During nearly two years of their rule, this group showed that they do not have the capacity to interact and adapt to the world order and the Islamic and human values of the Afghan people. Therefore, the peace plan of the National Resistance Council, which has already been announced, can open the way for a new chapter of returning to democracy and remedying the current impasse and legitimacy vacuum in the country, which we direct the attention of the honorable council to this plan;
  4. The National Resistance Council believes in solving the current problem through dialogue and reaching peace with dignity, and at the same time, it respects the political process that is managed under the supervision of the United Nations and causes a change in the situation, and the establishment of a government based on the will The people of Afghanistan firmly support;
  5. The National Resistance Council considers the current situation in Afghanistan, in which all kinds of atrocities, widespread and systematic violation of human rights, especially women’s rights, targeted ethnic, religious and regional killings, torture and killing of former security forces are applied, as an anti-human crime and gender apartheid. In order to change this situation, he requests the United Nations and the Security Council of that organization to take preventive measures;
  6. We believe that the Taliban have the same extreme thinking and dividing them into extremist and moderate Taliban is seduction, and the Taliban’s thinking is terrorist thinking and unconventional with humane and Islamic principles, and these divisions will not bring any change in their situation and the country. It does not occur;
  7. With full respect for the conventions, decisions and resolutions of the United Nations, which Afghanistan has joined as a member, the National Resistance Council requests that in international meetings about Afghanistan, the National Resistance Council should be used as an umbrella political unit consisting of major currents, councils and Effective political personalities should be given the opportunity to appear as the main party of the Afghanistan issue;
  8. Considering the disastrous economic situation of Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban and the fact that more than 90 percent of the people are below the poverty line and the high level of unemployment and consecutive droughts, sending aid to Afghanistan and its needy people is urgent and important in the opinion of this council. It is extremely necessary that the continuous attention of the international community to the people of Afghanistan and the aid of that organization is appreciated, but unfortunately, it should be pointed out that the Taliban group has made disastrous use of the aid distribution and the resources provided by the world to the Afghan people. They are used to suppress them. In this case, it is requested to review the way of distribution of international aid to Afghanistan and to ensure that the intended aid is not used to strengthen the terrorist groups and is distributed to the needy people of Afghanistan through a transparent process.

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