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In the name of God, the All-Knowing and All-Powerful

The National Resistance Council appreciates the leaders of the Samarkand meeting for not inviting the Taliban in this important regional assembly, and considers it a sign of the world’s awareness of the terrorist nature of the Taliban group.

However, during the past two years, the nature of the Taliban’s thinking as a terrorist group, supporter of terrorism and alien to the culture of global coexistence and the people of Afghanistan, both in the positions of the National Resistance Council and in the positions of other political currents against the Taliban, and also actions The Taliban itself has been exposed, but recently there are signs of the wrong approach of good-faith interaction towards this group from their global supporters.

The experience of years of war, instability and illegitimate rule in Afghanistan has shown that the usurpation of rule, extremism and reliance on violence and terrorism to implement political goals have brought war and insecurity in our land and the security of neighboring countries, the region and the world. Also, as extremism and increasing violence in Pakistan is also rooted in the prevailing situation in Afghanistan today, and the terrorist approach and support for Taliban terrorists threatens other countries as well.

The Taliban group currently hosts thousands of terrorists and regional and global extremist groups, and each of these groups is trained and equipped with the idea of global jihad and the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in neighboring countries and the world. The existence of these groups under the shadow of the Taliban is a big threat from the current illegitimate rule of Afghanistan against the neighbors and the world.

The National Resistance Council wants the leaders of the Samarkand meeting to put pressure on the Taliban as a threat to the security of their neighbors and the world, and to help and support the people of Afghanistan in removing them from their current illegitimate domination and replacing them with a democratic system.

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