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In the name of god

Afghanistan and the Republic of Türkiye have continued their diplomatic relations for more than a century as two friendly countries with cultural commonality.

Today coincides with the one hundred and second anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and Türkiye, which was signed on March 1, 1921 between the diplomatic representatives of the two countries, and has continued to be stable, continuous and continuous for more than a century, with the reminder that the bond The friendship between the people of both countries goes back centuries and its strength is due to the relations of the very distant historical past.

The people of Afghanistan, by guarding these long-standing relations, receive the help and assistance of the government and the people of Türkiye in various fields, especially in the field of cultural interactions, strengthening and cooperation in the health, education and education sectors, and in the past twenty years, contributing to the security of Afghanistan in The framework of the NATO Security Treaty forces are grateful and thankful.

Today, Türkiye, as one of Afghanistan’s long-standing friends and allies, hosts a large number of Afghan immigrants, whose action is worthy of praise and appreciation.

It is also clear that the bilateral relations between the people and the governments of the two countries have been so sincere that a number of Afghan citizens fought alongside their Turkish brothers and sisters in the famous battle of Chenak Qala in Türkiye, and some of them testified that their sacrifices are recorded in history. .

The National Resistance Council, while celebrating the one hundred and second anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, acknowledges that today there is no legitimate government and sovereignty in Afghanistan, and it is expected that the Republic of Türkiye, as a long-time friend of our people, will fulfill the collective will of the Afghan people in the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

We believe that the friendship between the two countries and its people will pass the current difficult test and its future will continue in the light of goodwill and alignment.

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