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Silab Baghlan

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

With great sorrow, the devastating natural disaster of flooding in the provinces of Baghlan, Takhar, Ghor, Herat, Badakhshan, Badghis, Jawzjan, Nimroz, and Samangan claimed the lives of dozens of our compatriots and inflicted significant financial damage on thousands of families. We extend our condolences to all the victims and their families who suffered from this unprecedented calamity, and we share in their grief. We beseech Almighty Allah to grant the victims a place in paradise and bestow patience upon all the survivors and those affected.

Moreover, residents of several other provinces have also suffered and been impacted by the recent rainfall and floods. Unfortunately, there is no institution to address the pain caused by these recent natural disasters or to provide relief to the wounded hearts of our suffering people.

These destructive and dreadful incidents occurred while the country unfortunately remains in a void of legitimate and accountable governance and lacks proper management. The ignorant and primitive group has been carrying out killings, torture, arrests, kidnappings, oppression, and exploitation, leaving the innocent and defenseless people of Afghanistan overwhelmed. These painful natural disasters have only added to their countless troubles.

The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan appeals to all countries of the world, international organizations, traders, and kind-hearted compatriots and migrants abroad to assist the flood and rain victims in the various provinces by any means possible, thus alleviating some of the suffering endured by our affected and harmed people.

Once again, we offer our condolences for the loss of dozens of our suffering compatriots in the tragic flooding incident in the provinces and the resulting calamities. We honor and remember the victims.

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