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Ustad Sabor Farid

Today marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Professor Abdul Saboor Farid, a renowned mujahid of the country and the Prime Minister of the Islamic State of Afghanistan. On this occasion, the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan commemorates his record and memories, celebrates his spirit, and honors his legacy.

Professor Farid was a knowledgeable and enlightened fighter from the beginning of the Islamic movement, endowed with Islamic insight, a sublime culture, and adorned with commendable ethics and methods of jihad. He courageously stood in the battle trenches in his youth, defending the homeland and its people, a record that speaks of sacrifice, altruism, bravery, and dignity. He was a dignified, gentle, and humble personality, well-regarded among the people and mujahideen.

Once again, on the anniversary of his martyrdom, we honor his memory and express our condolences and shared sorrow to the mujahideen, resistance fighters, his esteemed family, and relatives.

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