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Maw Ayaz

In the name of the Just and Almighty God,

The Supreme National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan commemorates the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Mohammad Ayaz Niazi, a model of piety and purity, a devoted educator to the Islamic Ummah, and other distinguished scholars of the country who lost their lives for the homeland and the people in the pursuit of the objectives of the noble religion of Islam. We extend our condolences, celebrate their souls, and honor their memories.

Martyr Niazi, a professor at the Faculty of Sharia at Kabul University, was among the few academic and scientific personalities of the country, and also a reformer, thinker, and an informed advocate who always fearlessly spoke the truth. He actively and courageously participated in every assembly and mosque, school, and university, responsibly and mission-orientedly delivering religious advice.

Dr. Ayaz Niazi, alongside other scholars who fearlessly articulated truths and interpreted religious decrees with precise understanding, combating extremism, mysteriously became targets, and to this day, none of these terror cases have been clarified.

We pray to the Gracious God for eternal peace for Martyr Niazi and other martyrs of the country, and we cherish their memories.

The Supreme National Resistance Council believes that terrorism, currently led and hosted by the Taliban group, contradicts all values and moderate interpretations of religion and acts as an obstacle against the promotion of a moderate interpretation of religion, and attempts to tarnish the true face of Islam. Therefore, the Council resolutely stands against this phenomenon, recognizing its promotion and exportation from an Afghanistan under the illegitimate control of the Taliban as a serious threat to regional and global countries.

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