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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,


As we approach Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice and selflessness before the One God, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all Muslims around the world, particularly the devout Muslim population of Afghanistan, and especially to the noble families of the martyrs of the jihad and resistance era, as well as to the families of security and defense forces who have fought against international terrorism over the past twenty years, and to the martyrs of the path of freedom and independence over the last three years.

Dear compatriots,

This third Eid al-Adha arrives while, unfortunately, our country has been under the occupation of a terrorist and regressive group that adheres to none of the principles and values of humanity and Islam for three years. Over these years, Afghanistan has lacked a legitimate and lawful system, and the noble people of Afghanistan have endured countless hardships. This year’s Eid al-Adha comes as we witness the thousandth day of absolute deprivation of half of our society, namely women, from all basic human rights, particularly education, study, and employment. Without a doubt, this single inhumane action by the Taliban has led the country and the fate of the Afghan people towards ruin. Not to mention that in these three years, killings, tortures, land and property seizures, and continuous historical oppression have persisted. Therefore, we take this opportunity to once again highlight certain points in the current critical situation for the awareness of the noble people of Afghanistan and the international community:

  1. Many regional and world countries, especially those who had strived for the Taliban’s return to power, claimed that this group had changed and was ready to adapt to human and international values. However, over the past three years, we have seen that this group has not only not changed but has become arrogant from the handover of the fate of the Afghan people by the major powers, persisting even more stubbornly in their depraved beliefs and regressive actions. Therefore, there is no longer any room for experimentation, and the only remaining path is an all-out fight against the Taliban.
  2. The Supreme National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, as the largest existing political umbrella, has so far, along with the world, expected the Taliban to bow to the legitimate demands of the Afghan people, stop depriving people of their freedoms, especially imposing inhumane restrictions on women, and submit to a system based on collective will. Unfortunately, as we observe, this group thinks only of oppressing the people and looting national resources. Therefore, we call on all political and military groups opposing the Taliban to unite in a cohesive front to achieve further successes.


  1. We are on the verge of the third Doha meeting for Afghanistan, which will soon be held under the auspices of the United Nations with the presence of representatives from influential countries in the Afghan issue. The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan once again calls on the United Nations and all involved countries to ensure the participation of all political factions, civil institutions, human rights and women’s rights activists, media, and representatives of various ethnic groups in this meeting and future processes. Any process that results in the exclusion of the Afghan people and views the Taliban as the sole party of Afghanistan will only complicate and prolong the crisis and will not have any positive outcome.
  2. We urge countries worldwide and in the region that have so far interacted unilaterally with the Taliban to reconsider this approach. Especially those countries that are currently signing various contracts with an illegitimate and terrorist group and thereby plundering the economic resources and national wealth of Afghanistan, we warn that all such contracts are illegal and illegitimate and will not be binding on the future legal system of Afghanistan. The Taliban, in addition to having no national and international legitimacy, have annulled all prevailing laws of the country, and the benefits derived from these contracts are used only to promote violence and terrorism growth.
  3. The Supreme National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan once again emphasizes that stability and lasting peace in Afghanistan will only be established when a system based on public will through free and fair elections is created. Otherwise, any effort to consolidate the foundations of historical domination and oppression will fail and will yield no fruit for its perpetrators.
  4. The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan expects all countries worldwide, especially neighboring countries, to refrain from forcibly expelling and returning refugees in the current difficult circumstances and, as they have hosted refugees for several decades, to continue to exercise patience until conditions for a humane and peaceful life in Afghanistan are established.

Once again, we congratulate all Muslims around the world, especially the Muslim people of Afghanistan, on the arrival of Eid al-Adha, and we wish for peace, purity, and brotherhood to prevail in the country, and to witness a free, prosperous, and lawful Afghanistan.

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