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Unfortunately, we lost two tall cedars of freedom and stability, two strong pillars of resistance and stability, Commander Akmal Amir and Commander Basir Ahmad Andrabi and a number of his peers, while their presence was very important as the assets of our country.

Commander Akmal Amir and Commander Basir Ahmed Andrabi, both of whom were guerrillas of the Freedom Front recently, joined the ranks of martyrs by shielding their chests against the enemy, even though in an unequal and unconventional war, and their long names will be remembered in history. The epics were engraved.

The National Resistance Council believes that resistance is the right of the Afghan people to save the country and the people from the current unfavorable situation, and it should be done at the lowest cost of life and with the priority of saving the lives of experienced, brave and brave commanders whose presence is needed to save the country. It is urgent.

The Taliban, as a repressive, cruel and petrifying force that is not satisfied with bloodshed, seeks its survival through coercion, force and oppression, the result of which is the ruling state of the country, which has forbidden life for the people, and along with it, endless optimism. The thinking of some countries towards this group has led them to the false pride of absolute domination.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan, while expressing its deep feelings for the martyrdom of both the brave, steadfast and steadfast commanders of the country and their comrades in arms to the suffering families, comrades and suffering people of the country, wishes the souls of the martyrs to be blessed with divine mercy and their names eternal.

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