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حمله در دشت برچی

In the name of Almighty Allah the Judge and creator of justice
As a result of an explosion in Dasht-e-Barchi area in west of Kabul, a number of our innocent compatriots were martyred and some other injured.
The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan condemns the perpetrators of this incident, wishes the martyrs of this bloody incident a speedy recovery and patience to the bereaved families.
These consecutive security incidents that take place in Afghanistan while the Taliban consider security as one of its achievements and it shows their false claim. The existence of security in the territory of the Taliban is also similar to their other false and middle-of-the-road claims for demagoguery. In the past twenty years, the Taliban were the cause of insecurity and instability in the country by carrying out terrorist attacks, and today, by hosting regional and international terrorist groups, they have turned Afghanistan into a safe haven for terrorists and a threat to regional and global security.
The National Council of Resistance believes that the causes of today’s event and similar events are the result of several factions among the Taliban group and the presence of terrorist forces that the Taliban supports and hosts.
Once again, while condemning the perpetrators of Dasht-e- Barchi incident, the National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan expresses its sympathy and sorrow to the families of the victims.

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