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زلزله هرات

In the name of the Merciful Allah

Unfortunately, the severe earthquake created a disaster in parts of the western part of the country, especially in the ancient province of Herat, and many of our suffering compatriots have lost their lives and many have been injured, and huge financial losses have been inflicted on the people.

The National Council of Resistance to Save Afghanistan expresses its condolences to all the countrymen, especially those affected by this natural disaster, and wishes patience for the martyrs of paradise and their survivors, and a speedy recovery for the injured.

Undoubtedly, in the situation where our people are in the absence of a legitimate and serving system and also in a miserable state of economic poverty and deprivation, the terrible earthquake in Herat has added to their pains and sufferings. Therefore, we request all our dear compatriots, wherever they are, to rush to the aid of their injured compatriots in Herat, and we especially request our compatriots living in the southwestern provinces of the country to go to the hospitals and donate blood for the injured.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan requests friendly and neighboring countries, international charity organizations and institutions to take immediate care of the affected people of Herat in the current dire situation and spare no effort and cooperation in sending emergency aid packages.

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