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We commemorate the ninth anniversary of the honor and burial of the martyred Amir Habibullah Kalakani and his martyred companions, that noble and oppressed leader.

Humankind is inherently honored by the Creator, and this honor encompasses both their life and death.


Within the framework of Islamic law and human traditions, people have the right to be buried with honor and dignity after death, and their families and descendants should be able to visit their graves and cherish their memories. However, in our country, unfortunately, due to historical oppression, Amir Habibullah Kalakani, the former king, and his companions were deprived of this natural right. This deprivation tragically lasted for years until, on the 11th of Sunbula, 1395 (Hijri-Shamsi calendar), the People’s Commission for the Honor and Burial of Amir Habibullah was able to restore this right for that devout and free-born farmer-king, a king lost in the flames of historical injustice, by securing a resting place for him.


The Supreme Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan, while appreciating the enduring efforts of the People’s Commission, offers prayers for the soul of the martyred Amir Habibullah, the servant of the religion of the Messenger of Allah, and his fellow martyrs, honoring their memory.

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