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February 9th is equal to the 582nd birthday of Amir al-Kalam, thinker, brilliant politician, linguist, poet Zulsanin, prime minister and great adviser of Sultan Hossein Baiqara.

We honor the birth of this great man, virtuous, mystic and the bright face of the Khorasan era!

At a time when the world, in the age of clinging to the knowledge of nobles and thinkers like Navai, is experiencing the path to prosperity and progress and reaching excellence and prosperity, a group has dominated in the land of Navai, who not only oppose his thought, but even destroy his statue which was built in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif to honor its place, they are destroying it.

The Taliban, this petrified and anti-culture group, are hostile to any phenomenon in which there are moral, cultural and historical signs of our land, and they seek to destroy it.

Destruction of the images of famous personalities and honors of our land, removal of historical symbols, destruction of monuments and cultural-identity memorials, will result in an increase in ethnic and linguistic tensions. In the latest case, the destruction of the statue of Amir Ali Shir Nawayee is part of the activities of the Taliban’s militant culture, along with thousands of other crimes that they have committed during the nearly one and a half years of rule over Afghanistan.

The National Resistance Council, while honoring the birthday of Amir-ul-Kalam Ali Shir Nawayee, strongly condemns the cultural actions of the Taliban group, and emphasizes that they may destroy the history and culture of a land with such actions, but they can never destroy the cultural and civilizational identity. Also they won’t be able to destroy the land whose historical and cultural values, who are part of the honors of the human world.

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