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Womens Day 8 of March

The National Resistance Council has congratulated all the free and brave women of Afghanistan on 8th of March, International Women’s Solidarity Day, and wishes that this dark and dark period, which has cast a shadow not only on the lives of women but also on the entire people of Afghanistan, will pass as soon as possible and we Let us witness the fruition of the rights-seeking struggles of the Afghan people, especially the freedom-loving women of the country.

The 8th of March, International Women’s Solidarity Day, has been celebrated for the last three years in a situation where, unfortunately, the free women and brave and hardworking girls of Afghanistan have not only been taken hostage by an extremist group, but also from all the legitimate and basic human rights and freedoms such as education. And they are deprived of work and confined in their homes.

Afghanistan is the only country in the world where women are denied the right to study and work. Afghan women are subjected to pressure, torture, abduction, all kinds of harassment by the Taliban group, and their protests and gatherings are suppressed and they themselves are sentenced to be killed per capita. After surrendering power, the Taliban has gradually and step by step followed its misogynist policies and has now reached the stage of oppressive rule in the second half of the 1970s. This performance of the Taliban is very clear evidence that no change has occurred in the Taliban’s thinking and that the achievements of the past twenty years are collapsing. Unfortunately, the continuation of this situation has left Afghanistan in black soil and will present a very dangerous future for our people and the world. In a world where thousands of human rights and women’s protection institutions are active and in a world whose main philosophy is based on equality, justice and freedom, we are in a situation where millions of people are deprived of their basic rights in the name of women and under the pretext of Sharia law, they are arrested, tortured and killed every day.

The 8th of March is a reminder of the freedom struggle of women who stood up against the bad economic and discriminatory situation and finally achieved freedom and equal human rights. Therefore, this day is more inspiring and instructive for the women of our country than anywhere else, and we fully believe that the women of Afghanistan with the meaningful slogan “You took my soil, don’t take my lessons and lessons” put their finger on the vein of awareness and awakening of the society and like They will continue their struggle for justice with the inspiration of the past and the fighters of the 8th of March, as well as with the inspiration of the exemplary women of Islam and the proud women of Afghanistan’s history, and with full hope for a bright future.

Unfortunately, despite the current bitter realities and with the knowledge of the nature of the Taliban group and its stance against women, the world has ignored all the crimes and atrocities and so far they have not taken any effective measures to remove the restrictions imposed on Afghan women. Rather, a number of countries have repeatedly forgotten their main responsibility and have come out of the door of interacting with the Taliban group and even supporting them. Therefore, we ask all human rights organizations and international organizations and countries near and far not to forget the people of Afghanistan, especially the women of our country, in the complicated world of politics, and instead of interacting and supporting the Taliban group, force this group to accept the objective realities of Afghanistan.

Hoping for a day when no women in Afghanistan will be imprisoned and Afghan women and girls can work with happy hearts, peaceful souls and smiling lips, side by side with Afghan men, for the prosperity and prosperity of the country and a superior society.

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