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روز سرباز

Today is Soldier’s Day. This day has come while Afghanistan is under the rule of a group that based on complex motives, continuously arrests, tortures and martyrs former security forces.

The soldiers of the country’s defense and security forces, who defended the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country with their lives in the twenty years of the republic, deserve all the gratitude and praise. They did not spare any efforts to defend the homeland and the national sovereignty of the country, but unfortunately there were factors in their leadership levels that contributed as the fifth pillar to the surrender of the country to the Taliban and the collapse of the system along with other internal and external factors. These agents committed persecution and open betrayal against the blood of martyrs of the security forces.

The National Resistance Council, while praising the sacrifice and bravery of the former security forces of the country, honors the memory and names of the martyrs of these forces, and expresses its sympathy with the families of the martyrs and states that the problems, suffering and hardships of today’s soldiers are also with all their heart. We can understand the situation of those soldiers who are living under the rule of the Taliban for various reasons with various hardships and deprived of basic human rights, as well as those who are living in displacement and statelessness with suffering and hardship. This situation does not survive and is transformable. We hope that in the bright future of the new Afghanistan, with the presence and sacrifice of the country’s soldiers, we will witness the lawful restoration of national sovereignty and the protection of the country’s territorial integrity.

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