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شهدای پانزدهم عقرب بغلان

On the 15th of Aqrab 2016, six MPs of Afghanistan, including Martyr Sayed Mustafa Kazemi, and dozens of young children and school students of Baghlan Province were martyred in a terrorist incident. In this horrific incident, which was planned and carried out by the Taliban group based on the investigation of the then Afghan National Security department, about 73 people, most of whom were school students, were martyred and more than a hundred others were injured.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan honors the memory of the martyrs of the Baghlan incident, especially the martyr Sayed Mustafa Kazemi, and once again curses the perpetrators of that bitter and painful incident.

In that tragic incident, in addition to the martyr Sayed Mustafa Kazemi, the leader of the National Authority Party, who was also the representative of the people of Kabul in the National Council, there were five other lawyers of the National Council of Afghanistan, each of whom was Nazmir, the representative of the people of Kunduz, and Mohammad Arif Zarif, the representative of the people of Afghanistan. Kabul, Sibghatullah Zaki, the representative of the people of Takhar, Sahibur Rahman Hammet, the representative of the people of Kunar, and Engineer Abdul Mateen, the representative of the people of Helmand, were martyred.

Martyr Sayed Mustafa Kazemi was one of the prominent political figures at the national level who played an important role in the unity and cohesion of the people and political and economic development in the new system of the country. Also, the representatives with him were among the prominent people who were martyred by vampire terrorists while serving the people.

Regrettably, those who planned and executed such serious tragedies and organized crimes yesterday based on a shameful deal and a pre-planned conspiracy; today they are leaning on the power and claiming to rule over the people of Afghanistan. Undoubtedly, a group that committed such terrorist and anti-human acts until yesterday, and even after taking over Afghanistan, its only security priority is to cultivate suicide groups, does not have the ability and the right to rule over the people. Therefore, every day creates a new crisis for the country and the helpless people of Afghanistan.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan once again honors the memory of all the martyrs of the path of independence and freedom of the country, especially the martyrs of the Baghlan terrorist incident and the student martyrs of that bloody incident, and asks the countries of the world and international forums to support the people of Afghanistan in reaching an elected system and support the legal prosecution of perpetrators of the current inhumane situation.

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