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In the name of Almighty Allah

Dear compatriots, proud people of Afghanistan!

The National Resistance Council, while wishing for the acceptance of your obedience and worship to the Almighty, the end of the month of Shawwal and the arrival of Eid al-Fitr, the Eid of servitude and self-cultivation, congratulates and congratulates all of you believing and fasting compatriots, happiness, health and peace to you people. Praying for the religious people before the Almighty God and offering prayers to the souls of all the dear martyrs of the country, especially the martyrs of the bloody Salang incident, he wishes for your unity of action and solidarity against the backwardness and tyranny of the anti-human of the Taliban.

Painful compatriots!

This year’s Eid al-Fitr is coming while Afghanistan is unfortunately in a very unfortunate situation and a disastrous political, security and economic situation. The political and social destiny of the people has fallen into the hands of the cruel and anti-human despotic group, which unleashes violence, terror, terror, injustice and corruption. The Taliban, these mercenaries and merciless and sworn enemies of the Afghan people, take victims from our oppressed and helpless compatriots every day. Even in the holy month of Ramadan, the Taliban did not stop their crimes and bloodshed and caused bloody incidents and caused a large number of families to suffer, which makes the conscience of every free person saddened and painful.

Dear fellow countrymen!

We are in a time when a large part of the Afghan people, including men and women, children and adults, are fed up with the oppression of an oppressive group, and Afghanistan has become a safe haven for terrorists. The sanctity of the motherland, this meeting place of fighters and freedom fighters and messengers of freedom, has been broken and brutality and ignorance continue. But human history from the beginning to today has been and continues to be a history of fighting and arguing with these forces. The National Resistance Council emphasizes to continue its struggle and efforts for the establishment of a democratic government based on the principles of people’s sovereignty, freedom, equality and justice, because even though this path is difficult, it is glorious and proud.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan has once again congratulated the people of Afghanistan on Eid al-Fitr and prays to God to eradicate violence, brutality, injustice and bigotry in our beloved country as soon as possible and all our compatriots live in the same atmosphere. Live peacefully, in peace and stability.

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