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In the name of God

Today coincides with the 11th anniversary of the martyrdom of the leader of jihad and resistance, the former president of the Islamic State, the founder and leader of Jamiat-e-Islami and martyr of peace, Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani.

Eleven years ago, late Prof. Rabbani, that wise and thoughtful old man who is a great thinker in the field of politics and who is, was martyred and a bitter and sad event was recorded in history.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani founded the intellectual foundations of the Islamic movement of the country in the late decade of the previous four solar centuries during the kingdom era, when he was just young, with a number of professors and thinkers of the country, and then in 1348, with a number of professors and students, he founded the Muslim Youth Organization and in 1973, with a group of university professors and students, he founded the Islamic Jamiat of Afghanistan as a political party under the guidance of Professor Ghulam Mohammad Niazi. The professor was elected as its leader by the board of founders in the founding assembly of Jamiat.

The role of Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani, along with other leaders and personalities of political currents, was very valuable in the formation, introduction, expansion, continuation and victory of the holy jihad of the Afghan people, as well as the formation of the Mojahedin Transitional Government and the continuation of the Islamic State.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, as the head of the Islamic State of Afghanistan, for the first time established the good tradition of the peaceful transfer of political power, and by handing over power to Hamid Karzai, he laid the foundations of the interim administration and the new system in the country.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, with the leadership had a wise approach, a wise political plan, a deep patriotic view, and a focus on the unity and solidarity of the Afghan people. He thought of Afghanistan as a common home and a single land, whose future cornerstone should be laid based on justice and with the participation of all citizens.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani saw a dignified and positive peace as a national process and believed that passing through the crisis will be possible only in the existence of honest negotiations and discussions based on the national goals and the centrality of the people and respect for the collective will of the citizens in determining their destiny. With this approach, he assumed the responsibility of leading the Supreme Peace Council as a national and moral obligation and took impressive and outstanding steps in this direction, but the ill-wishers, fearing to ensure lasting peace in Afghanistan, planned his martyrdom.

While Afghanistan is in a difficult phase after eleven years of the martyrdom of that wise leader, his lack as a wise politician, a prudent leader and a wise thinker is strongly felt. But we are sure that his intellectual heritage and inspiring struggles will strengthen our determination and the will of the Afghan people in the fight against the current dark situation.

Eleven years after the martyrdom of Prof. Rabani, the Taliban group has ruled over our land and apart from any mistake, they have resorted to great human crimes and inhuman acts. Torture, persecution and then targeted killings and genocide, forced migration and usurpation of people’s property and lives in many parts of the country, especially in Khawaja Bahauddin district of Takhar province, shooting prisoners of war, rape of women, banning girls from education, banning women from working , fueling ethnic and linguistic tensions, on the sidelines of setting up the system, paralyzing service institutions and shutting down governance, is one of the actions of this domineering group, which has caused serious damage to Afghanistan and our people. Also, by accommodating regional and global terrorist groups in Afghanistan, this group has turned our land into a “safe house” for terrorists.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan, on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani, honors the struggles and accomplishments of that great martyr, the sacrifices and sacrifices of the martyrs of the path of freedom, especially the national hero of the country, martyr Ahmad Shah Massoud, , Martyr of national unity Abdul Ali Mazari, Martyr Haji Abdul Qadir, Martyr Ahmad Khan Samangani, Martyr General Muhammad Dawood Dawood, Martyr Seyed Mustafa Kazemi, Martyr Khan Mohammad Mujahid, Martyr General Abdul Razaq, Martyr Piram Qol Ziyai, Martyr Maulani Seyyed Khaili, Martyrs of recent events in Panjshir, Baghlan, Takhar and other parts of the country.

The National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan, while supporting the resistance to the rights of the Mujahideen of the National Resistance in all parts of the country, honors the memory of the peace martyr and other martyrs of the path of freedom and justice, and considers itself obligated and committed to the continuation of the path and cause of the martyrs.

Based on the wise view of Prof. Rabani, we believe that there will be a fight against the ruling terrorism and Afghanistan will be removed from the current situation and the ground will be provided for the legitimate democratic rule through dialogue and the formation of a temporary government with the presence of all parties.

Experience has shown that totalitarianism and totalitarianism do not lead anywhere and lead to increasing tensions, continuation of war and the spread of poverty and unemployment and much other harm, the unfortunate consequences of which affect not only Afghanistan, but also the countries of the region and the world. .

May the soul of the Prof. Rabani the wise leader be peaceful and his path be eternal!

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