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In the name of the great God

Today coincides with the 9th anniversary of the death of Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, the former vice president and one of the great and prominent figures of Jihad and resistance in Afghanistan. On this occasion, while honoring the memory and memories of that bastion of dignity and honor of the Afghan people, the National Resistance Council wants his soul to be happy and his name to live forever.

Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim went to the trenches of struggle to free the country from occupation and spent most of his life for the country and at the service of the people. From the relentless struggle in the Holy Jihad to the heavy battles and leadership of the resistance after the martyrdom of the national hero of the country, Shahid Ahmad Shah Massoud, and then he played a role in the foundation of the new era of democracy, as the vice president and the Ministry of National Defense, as an honest servant. He laid the foundations of the new national army and fought with all his might for the development and prosperity of war-torn Afghanistan.

In his political and military life, Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim was known for having the courage to take decisions and defend the legitimate rights of the people, and in this way, until his lifetime, he prioritized the national interests of the country and everyone’s welfare in every action. He reached the position of Vice President and Ministry of Defense at a time when Afghanistan had just been freed from the grip of the Taliban and the foundation of governance, defense and security forces, and public service institutions had fallen apart. In such circumstances, by implementing the Bonn Agreement step by step, from the formation of the temporary and transitional administration to the holding of elections and representing the will of the people, he persistently tried to make Afghanistan a modern and democratic government and regular defense and security forces within the framework of the new system. And besides that welfare services should be provided for the people in a balanced way.

The role of Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim in the return of peace, ensuring the security and stability of the country, as well as the structure of modern governmental institutions, the approval and ratification of the constitution, laying the groundwork for holding elections, ensuring national unity, pulling Afghanistan out of political isolation and fighting extremism and centralization The systematization of structures and the restoration of people’s rights and their right to self-determination are worthy of praise and appreciation.

On the 9th anniversary of the death of Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, the National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan appreciates the brilliant achievements, valuable services and sacrifices of that prominent political figure of the country, both during the Jihad and resistance and in the era of the democratic system, and his name will be immortalized forever.

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