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Unfortunately, the Islamic world lost one of its prominent scholars, a famous jurist,  masterful and capable writer, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi.

We are for God and we return to him

Sheikh Qaradawi had great fame and popularity in the Islamic world. By writing and creating valuable works and researches in the religious field, he played a very valuable role in introducing and spreading religious moderation.

Although he did not have a realistic view on the issues of Afghanistan in the absence of information, his role in preventing the promotion of religious extremism and introducing moderation in Islam cannot be denied.

Sheikh Yusuf’s works were familiar among our society and were among the most widely read books, and his name and his works had a significant reputation among the people of Afghanistan.

With the passing away of Sheikh Yusuf Qarzawi, the Islamic world lost one of its greatest talents, a prolific writer and religious scholar, whose place will remain empty like other great ones.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan has expressed its sympathies regarding the death of this wise person to the government and people of Egypt and Qatar, respected family, his followers and lovers.

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