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جنرال عبدالرازق شهید

In the name of the Creator of Martyrs


Today coincides with the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of General Abdul Razaq Achakzai, an influential political figure and one of the elders of the southern region of the country, who was martyred in the defense of the country and the people.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan expresses its condolences to his family, relatives and friends on the anniversary of the martyrdom of this righteous and devoted son of the country, and appreciates his brilliant achievements.

General Abdul Razaq was one of the personalities who always stood against the Taliban, terrorists and the supremacy and exclusivity thinking and bravely guarded the people and the country. During his years of activity in the southern area, he was considered as a strong barrier against the Taliban, and besides that, he also played an important role in important national and political activities of the country. As a political and military figure, he protected the interests of the people and not only against the Taliban; but also bravely stood up to the governments of the time in protecting the people’s rights and realizing justice.

Today, in the situation where our land is occupied by a mercenary and terrorist group, General Abdul Razaq’s place is empty along with his peers, but his anti-Taliban way, thought and thinking will remain.

While honoring the memory of that martyr on the way to the country’s freedom on the fifth anniversary of his martyrdom, we pray for the souls of all the martyrs of the country, we want the soul of General Achakzai to be happy and his name eternal.

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