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برهان‌الدین ربانی

In the name of Almighty Allah, the creator of wisdom and freedom

Today is coincides with the twelfth anniversary of the martyrdom of the leader of jihad and resistance, the former president of the Islamic State, the founder and former leader of Jamiat-e-Islami and the martyr of peace, Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani.

Twelve years ago, that rationalist political leader was martyred in a conspiracy to achieve peace, and with his departure, Afghanistan lost one of its knowledgeable, knowledgeable and thoughtful leaders.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani founded the intellectual foundations of the Islamic movement of the country at the end of the decade of the previous four solar centuries during the reign of Shahi, who was just young, with a number of professors and thinkers of the country, and then in 1969, with a number of professors and students, he founded the Muslim Youth Organization. And in 1973, with a group of university professors and students, he founded the Islamic Jamiat of Afghanistan as a political party under the guidance of Professor Ghulam Mohammad Niazi. The professor was elected as its leader by the board of founders in the founding assembly of Jamiat.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani from among the knowledgeable academic community of the country started fighting and along with other leaders, played a prominent role in the Holy Jihad and its victory. The professor made great efforts in shaping and maintaining the legitimacy of the Islamic state until establishing the era of democracy, and his role and position is clear and respected by all.

Afghanistan, with all its ups and downs in its history, where power was always achieved through bloodshed, witnessed a peaceful approach for the first time with the establishment of the good tradition of the transfer of power by Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani as the head of the Islamic State of Afghanistan. The transfer of power to the government was temporary, which paved the way for the restoration of democracy.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani was a prudent politician who acted with prudence and intelligence in politics and had a wise attitude, wisdom-oriented political tact, a deep patriotic view and focus on the unity and solidarity of the Afghan people. . He thought of Afghanistan as a common home and a single land, whose future cornerstone should be laid based on justice and with the participation of all citizens.

Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani saw the dignified and positive peace as a national process and believed that passing through the crisis will be possible only in the existence of honest negotiations and discussions based on the national goals and the centrality of the people and respect for the collective will of the citizens in determining their destiny. With this approach, he assumed the responsibility of leading the Supreme Peace Council as a national and moral obligation and took impressive and outstanding steps in this direction, but the ill-wishers, fearing to ensure lasting peace in Afghanistan, planned his martyrdom.

The National Council of Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan, on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Master Burhanuddin Rabbani, honors the struggles and accomplishments of that great martyr, the sacrifices and sacrifices of the martyrs of the path of freedom, especially the national hero of the country, martyr Ahmad Shah Massoud, martyr National Unity, Abdul Ali Mazari, martyr Haji Abdul Qadir, Martyr Ahmad Khan Samangani, Martyr General Abdul Razaq, Martyr General Mohammad Dawood Dawood, Martyr Seyed Mustafa Kazemi, Martyr Khan Mohammad Mujahid, Martyr Engineer Mohammad Omar, Martyr Maulani Seyed Khaili, Martyrs of Defense and Security Forces and other martyrs of the country’s freedom and independence. And Ravan wants all of them to be happy and their names to be eternal.

May the soul of the martyr of peace and that wise and wise leader be happy with his planning and may his path continue!

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